Monday, October 25, 2010

At it again

My work in progress hat. I'm getting there and so excited for my first crochet project to be complete.

Some owls for this Friday's craft fair. The multi-colored one is already sold. I made this same pair for the last craft fair and they sold. A cute young girl came by at the end and wanted one so I took down her info and will be delivering it today.

These owls are a custom order for my mom. She is my BEST customer. :)

This is a custom order for a friend. Just need the waist measurements and it's ready to go.

I also made towels with hoods for toddlers for the craft fair. My 4 year old still uses hers and both girls always fight over the brown and purple one that we have. It's so nice to dry their hair and keep them covered as they travel to their rooms for clothes. My husband calls them little hobbits when they wear them.

Little hobbit.

I'll write up a tutorial next month on the hooded towel.

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